This months focus is "Being Present"

This months focus is "Being Present"

When you focus on the present moment, you’re paying attention to the things currently happening in your life. These events might range from joyous to downright heartbreaking (or anywhere in between).

Mindfulness helps you recognize anxious or depressed thoughts as just that: “thoughts”. Eventually, you can learn to recognize these thoughts as you notice them and interrupt their patterns before they trap you in a spiral of distress.

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New Year’s Resolution - “Setting Intentions” Meditation

New Year’s Resolution - “Setting Intentions” Meditation

Whatever your aspirations might be for the New Year, taking time to meditate, is sure to help you maintain discipline, compassion, and focus on your journey.

Soul Truths would like to share their well-being journey with you in the New Year, so please join us for our first Group Meditation topic “Setting Intentions”, commencing on January 21, 2024.

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This week’s focus: Conscious Creation

This week’s focus: Conscious Creation

Conscious creation is about making a conscious and informed decision to think positive thoughts, and start taking action towards bringing the thing we desire into our lives. The process of conscious manifestation is peaceful, simple and effortless. Let me show you how.

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This week’s focus: Empathy

This week’s focus: Empathy

“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.”

Sensitive is the new strong. It's time to fully embrace your gift of intuition and empathy.

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This week’s focus: Peace and Unity

This week’s focus: Peace and Unity

“By the way, we live our daily life, we contribute peace, or to war. It is mindfulness. They can tell me that I'm going in the direction of war, and it is the energy of mindfulness that can help me make a turn and go in the direction of peace.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

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